Macon Violence Prevention Applicant Resources
To help you in your application efforts, we have created this resource page where you can find templates, register for office hours, and have access to documents related to the MVP program.
Helpful Documents
Office Hour Sign-Up
CFCG staff is offering a block of time for applicants to drop in and ask us questions regarding the application and/or process. This will be held on the following dates:
- Wednesday, April 10th between 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Thursday, April 11th between 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Monday, April 15th between 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Thursday, April 18th between 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Please use the following link to access any of the dates above at the specified time: MVP Application Assistance
Required Documents
You will be required to upload the following documents. For samples, click on the links below.
A. Financial Documents:
- Project Budget Summary – The project budget MUST be completed on this form. Using any other form will make your application incomplete. This should include all revenue sources (requested, pending, and received) and expenses for the specific project.
- Financial Statements prepared by an accountant for the prior 3 fiscal years. (Audited Financial Statements including an audit report are preferred.)
If you do not have an accountant, you will need to prepare a balance sheet and an income statement for each of your organization’s last 3 fiscal years. Examples of the required statements are below:
- Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position) – Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets – for the most recent fiscal year end. This DOES NOT have to be submitted on the template form, but we have provide an example for your use.
- Income Statement (Statement of Activities) – should summarize the income and expenses and resulting surplus or deficit for each of the last three fiscal years. This DOES NOT have to be submitted on the template form, but we have provide an example for your use.
B. Application Attachments:
- Board Authorization Letter – Statement from the organization’s Board of Directors authorizing the request and agreeing to complete the project if funded.
- Board of Directors/Trustees List – Include directors’/trustees’ individual terms of office and their individual percentage of participation in the organization’s Board meetings.
- Organization’s Current Annual Operating Budget – Report of the organization’s planned budget indicating projected revenue and expenses for the current fiscal year.
- Current IRS Determination Letter – Indicate 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
- Photo of your project or organization – One image that shows your project or organization in action.