Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation
About BLCF

Board of Directors
- U’landa Barkley
- Laura Bohannon
- Andy Bush
- Bill Claxton
- Chris Edwards, Chair
- Sherry Farr
- Kathryn Claxton Green
- Kelly Hughes, Secretary
- April Mason, Treasurer
- Courtney McDaniel
- Dan Rainey
- Ryran Traylor
- William Tuttle
- Tom Wellner
- Leesa Woodall
Lamar Gives 365
Established in 2014, Lamar Gives 365 is a program of the Barnesville-Lamar community Foundation designed to bring people together to improve the community. Each member gives $365 per year—just one dollar a day—to make the community a better place. Your dollars are pooled with others. Half of the money is used to give grants this year. The other half of the money is placed in an endowment for the future. You and the other members choose which organizations receive grants.
Lamar Gives 365Create Your Own Fund At the Foundation
Do you want to make a difference and give back to the community you love? We can help. It happens all the time at the Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation. We make charitable giving easy and help you support your favorite causes and nonprofit organizations. You can create your own Donor Advised Fund at the Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation. Click here to learn more.
Create Your Legacy By Investing In The Future Of Barnesville
Through your will, you ensure that your loved ones will be cared for when you are gone. Did you know that you can also provide for your community when you are gone? Where there is a will, there is a way. When you meet with your attorney to create or update your will, consider adding a gift for your community by designating a percentage of your estate to the Building a Better Barnesville-Lamar Fund of the Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation. Click here to learn more.
Contribute to any Fund at BLCF
You can give to any fund at the Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation. Contributions are tax-deductible and you can also give in honor or memory of your family and friends.