Our Community Stories

Celebrating Stories of Philanthropy

In 1993, a group of forward-thinking community leaders founded the Community Foundation of Central Georgia to encourage philanthropy and strengthen our region. Since then, CFCG has provided donors a simple, powerful and highly personal approach to giving. Their generosity achieves their own personal philanthropic impact, and collectively strengthens our region — both now and for generations to come. Enjoy some of our community stories that woven together create the fabric of Central Georgia.

The Stories

headshot of Sally Westmoreland smilingHelping Families Honor their Homeplace

The Stephens family partners with CFCG to support their home community of Upson County through their donor advised fund. With roots in Upson County spanning back to 1824, their fund allows the family to remain connected to their homeplace, honor their ancestors’ legacy of giving and make an impact on the future.

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headshots of fundholders, Andy Nations and Lauren Lanter Inspiring Generosity for Generations

The Nations family partners with CFCG to make more possible through their family’s giving. Through CFCG, families can pass on their charitable values to the next generation and leave a meaningful legacy that changes lives and inspires others to do the same through impactful grantmaking now and for generations to come.

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keeping the music alive
Keeping the Music Alive

As one of Macon’s oldest arts organizations, the Macon Concert Association partnered with CFCG to establish an endowment fund to support its longstanding tradition of bringing world-renowned classical musicians to Central Georgia. As a CFCG endowment partner, the Macon Concert Association benefits from CFCG’s expertise and high-quality investment management so its music remains interwoven into the soul of Central Georgia forever.

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Karla Redding-Andrews and Justin Andrews smilingMaking a Difference in How Families Give

The family of Otis Redding established a family fund and an endowment for the Otis Redding Foundation at CFCG. Giving through CFCG allows their family to continue its meaningful commitment to education in music and the arts.


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Making a Difference in Houston County

As Houston County’s partner in philanthropy, the Community Foundation of Houston County helps donors achieve their philanthropic goals and helps meet our community’s needs now and for generations to come.

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nancy bailey smiling at cameraMaking a Difference for Students

Dr. Michael Bailey’s passion for medicine led him and his family to establish the Dr. Michael Bailey Scholarship Fund. Now each year a deserving Mercer University medical student, who is pursuing Internal Medicine, receives an impactful scholarship to assist them on their journey to practice medicine.

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Making a Difference with your Giving

Local financial advisor, Rachel Ayres, believes creating a charitable fund at CFCG gives donors a meaningful, effective and efficient way to give back. Many donors choose to open a charitable fund with CFCG because they want to maximize their impact and create a legacy of giving to support their community.

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Making a Difference for Families at Christmas

The Merrie Christmas Project is a charitable fund created in loving memory of Merrie Kaplan. Known as someone who radiated joy everywhere she went and loved everything about the Christmas season, the Kaplan family wanted to honor Merrie’s life by spreading joy to others. Now, through their generosity and the generosity of others, the fund provides food, holiday decorations and gifts to area families in need every holiday season.

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Making a Difference in the Community You Love

As founding members of the Lamar Gives 365 program through the Barnesville-Lamar Community Foundation, Joe and Pat Edwards believe in doing things in their lifetime that will live beyond them. Their generosity, combined with the generosity of other Lamar Gives 365 members, is making a difference today and shaping a better tomorrow for Lamar County. Learn about how to become a Lamar Gives 365 member and see how it is brining people together to improve the community.

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Making a Difference for Generations

The Simmons Charitable Trust Fund was CFCG’s first donor advised fund, established in 1993 by Mrs. William P. Simmons.  Mr. and Mrs. Simmons believed in supporting their community then, now and forever.  Their generosity and planning have enabled three generations of their family to support organizations and causes important to them. Read more about how their funds are making a difference.

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