Nonprofit Needs Assessment Calls
Please use the links below to register for the Community Foundation and United Way’s ongoing virtual needs assessment calls related to COVID-19.
Click on the links below for each topical call to see upcoming call dates and to register for the calls.
- Health & Human Services (Food Insecurity, Childcare, Health, Shelter & Seniors). Calls take place on every second Monday of the month.
- Workforce & Small Business. Calls take place every fourth Wednesday of the month.
- Arts & Culture and Historic Preservation. Calls take place every fourth Thursday of the month.
Overview of CFCG & United Way's Virtual Needs Assessment Calls:
The Community Foundation of Central Georgia and the United Way of Central Georgia hosted eight conference calls and hundreds of local nonprofit organization leaders participated in these virtual meetings to assess the immediate and future impact of the COVID-19 disruption on our communities. Our hope is that hope these calls will also serve to facilitate communication between our outstanding partners who are working hard to support the community and address the needs facing our more vulnerable populations. Our goal is to identify the gaps where help is needed and get that information out to our community. Below are the highlights of what we learned from each call:
Greatest Needs
- Operation costs to continue feeding programs are still working and serving food for those in need and increase the amount of people they serve due to the increased need.
- Access to food
Supplies Needed
- Food donations (nonperishable items, etc.)
- Safety supplies (gloves, masks, sanitizer, etc.)
Questions/Additional Information
- Where can I find food?
- For specific information regarding when and where to go to receive meals, please call United Way’s 2-1-1 line.
- COVID-19 Hunger Relief Food Schedule – list of food delivery locations provided by the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank. Pleae continue to check their posts for the most updated information.
- FY 2019/2020/CARES Funding Information
Greatest Needs
- Biggest issue is with the close of childcare, youth operations, and schools many kids no longer have access to regular, daily meals.
Supplies Needed
- Essential items for families (i.e. formula, diapers, wipes, baby food, etc.)
Volunteer Opportunities
- Childcare alternatives – Many healthcare workers who are essential and have to go to work are struggling to find childcare for their children due to all schools and daycares being closed.
Greatest Needs
- Many healthcare organizations are still working through tele-medicine platform (virtual appointments and consultations).
- A struggle with this is there are not only additional costs when transitioning to tele-medicine but it also requires specific online training before someone can be licensed to work tele-medically. Tele-medicine also falls under different insurance standards.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Facing an issue with a lot of the usual medical volunteers and doctors that organizations count on are not able to volunteer right now due to being in the high risk categories themselves.
- Available nurses
Greatest Needs
- Many people are receiving calls from people who are beginning to panic about not being able to pay their rent or utilities and being evicted.
Supplies Needed
- Many organizations expressed the need for cleaning products, every day resources, and more funding.
- Referrals to landlords with available and affordable housing options
- Alternative shelter locations (dorm rooms, empty buildings, etc.)
Questions/Additional Information
- Many local shelters are already at capacity. They struggling to provide shelter for people while still following the social distancing
- For specific information about who still has open space or other resources regarding shelter, please call United Way’s 211 line.
- U.S. Small Business Administration Coronavirus Relief Options
Questions/Additional Information
- SBA Webinar: Economic Injury Disaster Relief Overview
- COVID 19 Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
- Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce Homebase (COVID-19 News)
- U.S. Small Business Administration Coronavirus Relief Options
- Newtown Macon’s Recovery Coaching Program – The Recovery Coaching Program provides small businesses and non-profits access to benefit programs, financial tools, and sound planning to survive the COVID-19 crisis.
Supplies Needed
- Blood pressure cuffs
- No-touch thermometers (regular if no-touch are not available)
- Hand sanitizer
- Sanitizing wipes
- Cleaning products (Lysol, bleach, etc.)
Volunteer Opportunities
- Meal delivery
- Shelters
- Companionship (phone calls, check-ins, etc.) – struggling with isolation and anxiety due to the lack of knowing what is going on and what is to come.
- Education to prevent seniors from becoming victims of scams
- Phone calls to seniors
Greatest Needs
- The animal welfare community is anticipating the need to prevent the surrender and release of family pets / companion animals after people have lost their jobs or had their hours cut.
- Support for increased vet costs due to spray/neuter programs
Supplies Needed
- Organizations could benefit from donations of both food and funds.
- Foster a pet – Pets are a source of comfort and companionship, which is what a lot of people need during these hard times.
- Cleaning supplies (bleach, gloves, etc.)
- Pet food (dog, cat, etc.)
- Where can I find more information about animal welfare?
- For more information and resources, check out the Central Georgia Cares Facebook page.
Greatest Needs
- Many organizations are struggling with the lack of revenue coming in due to events and fundraisers.
- There are virtual events that are being planned and posted on the Macon365 site.
Additional Information
- Macon Arts Alliance COVID-19 Resources
- 478 Sings United
- Newtown Macon’s Recovery Coaching Program – The Recovery Coaching Program provides small businesses and non-profits access to benefit programs, financial tools, and sound planning to survive the COVID-19 crisis.
- Streaming Resource Guide – comprehensive list of free and ticketed web streaming services
Learn More

CFCG has partnered with United Way to establish a Central Georgia COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, which will be used to make grants to local nonprofits to meet short and long-term needs in the response and recovery efforts. DONATE NOW
Our donors can also contact Julia Wood and/or Darius Maynard to make a gift.