Designated Fund

Philanthropy with a Focus.
If you would like to concentrate your philanthropic interests on one or a few specific organizations, a Designated Fund allows that opportunity. The nonprofit(s) you designate will receive grants annually and in perpetuity from the fund.
This fund type is often created through a gift in your will, which can be an alternative to giving a large bequest directly to one organization.
You make one gift in your will to create a designated fund and provide instructions to the Community Foundation to support the nonprofit(s) organizations you designate – every year in perpetuity – from your designated fund.
What are the Benefits of a Designated Fund?
The Community Foundation of Central Georgia will work personally with you and your attorney to draft the language for your will and the fund agreement for your fund. You can rest assured that your favorite designated organization(s) will receive a gift every year, even when you are gone.
You can choose to support one or multiple organizations through your designated fund.
- If you want to support one organization through your designated fund, we suggest that you provide some guidance on what other organizations or types of organization should receive the annual gift if the initial organization ceases to exist.
- If you want to support more than one organization through your designated fund, we suggest that you provide the percentages (not dollar amounts) to allocate to each of your favorite organizations.
Have a Question?
If you have questions or are ready to get started, contact Julia Wood at 478-750-9338 or
Designated Fund Agreement