Central Georgia Technical College Foundation Fund
A Range of Endowment Options
In 2009, the Trustees of the Central Georgia Technical College Foundation began looking for a resource to oversee funds donated by foundations and private donors. They didn’t have to look far.
“It was important to our Trustees that our endowment be placed with a local organization that would both benefit from our investment and keep the funds in our community,” says Tonya McClure, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Central Georgia Technical College. “When the Trustees looked at Community Foundation of Central Georgia in 2009, they were drawn to its focus on servant leadership and its established programs which give back to the community.
“CFCG’s stewardship of the College’s endowment has provided a tremendous return on CGTC Foundation’s investment.”
Prior to its partnership with CFCG, the College’s Foundation had internally managed its own endowment fund. Now, CFCG’s expert oversight of those funds frees the College’s staff to focus on developing relationships with foundations and donors. When the College was approached this year by two individual long term benefactors who each wanted to create a permanent legacy, they knew they needed “the expertise of the Community Foundation.” CFCG guided the College in establishing two separate scholarship funds as companion funds to its larger endowment.
The Albert Jackson Dupree Scholarship Fund of the CGTC Foundation was established from funds donated by Dupree’s son, Tim, who served as Treasurer to the College’s Board of Trustees. Tim and his wife, Linda Shingler, hosted many fundraising events to benefit the College. After Tim passed away unexpectedly, Linda continued contributing to the fund and agreed to serve as a Trustee for the College.
Lou Crouch, a retired instructor of the College and longtime supporter of the CGTC Foundation, had supported students in the criminal justice field. The newly-established Lou Crouch Scholarship Endowment Fund of the CGTC Foundation at CFCG will perpetuate Lou Crouch’s generous support and direct it specifically to student aid.
The College has found that not only does CFCG provide optimal stewardship of CGTC’s primary endowment but also offers a range of options for sustaining the organization, for segregating the endowment and scholarship funds from their other assets, and for ensuring that the College’s resources are maximally directed to provide students a “hand up.”