Conversation to Action Grant

Deadline: March 31, 2025 | Noon


On the Table participants will be eligible to apply for mini-grants to strengthen community, deepen civic involvement, and cultivate new ideas developed during their conversations. Conversation to Action funding will range in amount from $100 to $1,000, with anywhere from 40-60 awards expected, contingent on quantity and viability of applications.

Funding Priority

Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate a majority of the following:

  • Feature a new idea generated through an On the Table conversation
  • Focus on action and collaboration to provide innovative, more efficient approaches to solving community issues
  • Address needs not currently being met by an existing organization
  • Reach a broad segment of the community
  • Open to individuals, groups and organizations. (For nonprofit applicants, standard Foundation grant eligibility applies. Documentation required for individual applicants.)

– Ongoing operational expenses are unlikely to be funded.
– The Foundation will consider applications from faith-based organizations for non-sectarian, community outreach programs.

Geographic Restrictions

Grant applications must have direct relevance to the Central Georgia community.

Maximum Grant Amount

Conversation to Action funding will range in amount from $100 to $1,000, with anywhere from 40-60 awards expected, contingent on quantity and viability of applications.

Funding Cycle

Under the Conversation to Action Grant Program, CFCG will only consider proposals from participants of On The Table Central GA 2025.
Deadline: March 31st at Noon
Decision Deadline: Early to Mid-May

How to Apply

Individual Applicants

Please email Darius D. Maynard at


You will need a User ID and Password for Web Portal to access the online application. Then, complete the online Conversation to Action Grant application form, which will require attaching the following documents in electronic format.

  • Project Budget Summary – should include all revenue sources (requested, pending & received) and expenses for the specific project.
  • For Organizations – Current IRS Determination Letter – should indicate 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. If no designation, a statement detailing the status of an application with the Federal government or future application plans may be submitted, along with a statement of charitable purpose.
  • For Organizations – Most Recent Financial Audit Report or Most Recent IRS Form 990 (If your organization has both, please submit the Financial Audit Report.

Late, hardcopy, or incomplete applications will not considered for funding. Please do not include any other forms or information other than what is required as outlined above. Applicants will be contacted if more information is needed.

Please contact the Foundation at or (478) 750-9338 if you have any questions.

The Community Foundation of Central Georgia believes that equal opportunity is important for the continuing success of our organization. In accordance with state, federal, and municipal laws, this Foundation intends to comply with these laws which preclude discrimination because of race, disability, creed, religion, gender, age, national origin or any other protected classification.

Reporting Requirements

This grant requires completion of a final project report including a financial report. Final reports are due within two months after depletion of the grant funds, prior to submitting a new grant application, or no later than March 15, 2026, whichever is earliest. To be eligible for future grants, the Community Foundation must have completed final reports on file for all previously awarded grants when submitting a new grant application. The final report form will be available in May 2025.

Technical Assistance

If you need assistance, please contact the Community Foundation via email  at or phone (478) 750-9338.

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