Organizational Endowment Fund

Lasting Support Your Organization Can Count On.
An Organizational Endowment Fund is established by a nonprofit organization and managed by the Community Foundation of Central Georgia to generate annual income for the benefit of the nonprofit organization. That means, as an organization, your donors are building a fund to provide perpetual support for your nonprofit.
The Foundation is committed to helping your organization build its endowment. By offering our expertise in planned giving and marketing your fund to your organization’s donors, we become your partner in growing your endowment.
At the Community Foundation, funds are pooled for investment purposes, which allows your organization to have access to high-quality investment management.
What are the Benefits of an Organizational Endowment Fund?
The Community Foundation of Central Georgia will work directly with your nonprofit organization in the development and distribution management of your fund. Our staff has the experience and training to expedite planned and other complex gifts.
- CFCG serves as your nonprofit organization’s partner to help build its endowment by developing a planned giving program or creating an email marketing campaign for your endowment fund.
- Our staff handles all administrative duties associated with the fund.
- The Finance Committee of CFCG’s Board of Directors monitors the work of the investment managers, freeing time for your board to focus on planning and development.
- Separating your endowment from other assets ensures resources will be available to meet future needs of the organization.
Have a Question?
If you have questions or are ready to get started, contact Julia Wood at 478-750-9338 or
Local organizational endowment funds at CFCG
- Bragg Jam Fund
- Central Georgia Technical College Foundation Fund
- Cherry Blossom Festival Fund
- Family Counseling Center Endowment Fund
- Federated Garden Clubs of Macon Endowment Fund
- Ferst Readers of Lamar County
- Friends of the Grand Fund
- Friends of the Library Milner Fund
- Friends of Rose Hill Cemetery Fund
- Friends of Tyler’s Place Dog Park Fund
- Georgia Industrial Home Foundation, Inc. Fund
- Georgia Sports Hall of Fame Endowment Fund
- Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia Endowment Fund
- Grand Opera House Endowment Fund
- Historic Linwood Cemetery Endowment Fund
- Historic Macon Foundation Endowment Funds
- Historic Riverside Cemetery Conservancy Endowment Fund
- James E. Pettigrew Fund
- Jean League Newton, AIA, Fund
- Junior League of Macon Endowment Fund
- Lamar County Schools System Endowment Fund
- Lamar Geddis Youth of the Year Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Lanier Education Fund
- Loaves & Fishes Ministry Endowment Fund
- Macon Area Habitat for Humanity Legacy Fund
- Macon Arts Alliance Endowment Fund
- Macon Concert Association Endowment Fund
- Macon Lions Charities Fund
- Macon Touchdown Club Educational Foundation, Inc. Fund
- Macon Volunteer Clinic Endowment Fund
- Meals on Wheels of Middle Georgia Fund
- Middle Georgia Regional Library Endowment Funds
- Museum of Arts & Sciences Endowment Funds
- Museum of Aviation Foundation Inc. Endowment Fund
- NewTown Macon Organizational Endowment Funds
- Nutcracker of Middle Georgia Fund
- Ocmulgee Heritage Trail of Middle Georgia Fund
- Ocmulgee Land Trust, Inc. Fund
- Ocmulgee Mounds Endowment Fund
- Ola Mae Ford Tubman African American Museum Endowment Fund
- Rotary Educational Endowment Fund
- The Shield Club Fund
- South Georgia Soccer Endowment Fund
- Southwest High School Foundation Fund
- St. George’s Episcopal School Endowment Funds
- Theatre Macon Endowment Fund
- United Way of Central Georgia, Inc. Fund