Central Georgia COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund Grant Recipients
For more information on the Central Georgia COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund, click here.
Updated September 1, 2020
Baldwin County
Baldwin County School District – $28,500
The Baldwin County School District serves the communities of Milledgeville and Hardwick and is comprised of six schools and two programs that provide educational opportunities to almost 5,000 students ranging from pre-k to collegiate level courses. This grant will provide 125 hotspots with data for six months for families of students who need internet.
Communities In Schools of Milledgeville/Baldwin County – $15,000
Operating funds to help Communities In Schools of Milledgeville-Baldwin County (CISMBC) as we develop sustainable budgets and strategies reflective of the economic turn-down.
Cafe Central – $14,000
This grant will support the replacement of the soup kitchen’s industrial stove to better serve the huge increase of people in need.
Salvation Army of Milledgeville – $10,000
Demand has increased for those in need in Baldwin County, increasing financial needs because of the COVID-19 crisis. The grant will aid with the increased demand and support these services and assistance requests from those that are impacted by the pandemic.
The Salvation Army Service Center – $10,000
This grant will assist those in need of support to stay in their homes for residents in Baldwin and Washington Counties as we and also the purchase of sanitizer and safety equipment for their thrift stores.
Friends of the Mary Vinson Memorial Library, Inc. – $6,000
This grant will acquire the necessary resources to improve the digital equity for employment and educational needs,
Milledgeville-Baldwin County Allied Arts, Inc. – $5,000
This grant will help offset the costs of educating the public of proper procedures for participating in events safely as well as providing proper safety equipment for staff and volunteers to work events once operations resume.
Bibb County
The Next Level Community Development Center Inc. – $15,000
This grant will provide supplemental financial support to offer educational summer programs virtually.
The Urban CEO – $52,000
This is a second grant to provide support for the Central Georgia Black Business Fund, which received more than 150 applications from its initial application cycle. These funds will help black-owned businesses that have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce – $50,000
For a workforce development program to connect citizens with jobs and to facilitate upskilling and retraining initiatives.
Salvation Army of Greater Macon – $25,000
The Salvation Army of Greater Macon is currently sheltering-in-place approximately 122 people, and serving 1,700 more meals than usual. This is expected to increase. Its food pantries remain open with higher demands, and the shelter must be staffed 24/7 rather than with 12 hours our supervision staff. They are also serving 100+ additional dinners during the week from a take-out window to people not in the shelter. The grant will aid with the increased demand.
One World Link – $22,500
This grant will assist in keeping local AmeriCorps members engaged and working on food distribution logistics, as well as, child care resource mapping.
Centenary Community Ministries, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will support the community breakfast which offers a hot, nutritious meal, hot showers, fellowship, as well opportunities to meet with staff about assistance accessing various social services for the indigent and individuals in homelessness in Macon.
Communities In Schools of Central Georgia, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will be used to continue a part-time program manager to assist in planning and maintaining contact with at least case-managed students district-wide with a focus at the Appling/Northeast complex. The part-time program manager will continue to broker/deliver basic needs including food, academic support, health information, and motivational/enrichment activities.
Crisis Line & Safe House of Central Georgia – $15,000
Crisis Line & Safe House of Central Georgia provides community crisis intervention as well as safe shelter, comprehensive support, and recovery services for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. This grant will assist with additional costs incurred because of the pandemic and also in covering the cost of emergency motel stays for those facing domestic violence issues, to ensure housing security and protect children and families from abuse.
Crisis Line & Safe House of Central Georgia – $15,000
This grant will support the continued service provision both now and once the pandemic has eased or ended.
Crossroads Christian Counseling Center, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will support regular office/operating expenses which now includes the new tele-mental health.
DePaul USA Daybreak – $15,000
Every weekday in Macon, an average of 100 homeless men and women visit Depaul USA Daybreak to receive services that help them overcome the immediate crisis of homelessness. Due to the current climate, Daybreak is seeing a significant increase in need. This grant will help support additional operating costs during this time.
Depaul USA, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will support the Daybreak program in placing 10 homeless individuals in permanent housing by paying their security deposits and first month’s rent. In addition to this, this grant will pay these and other individuals’ delinquent utility bills so they can access utilities in their new homes or remain housed.
Family Advancement Ministries – $15,000
This grant will go towards rental and utility assistance for individuals and families.
Loaves and Fishes Ministries – $15,000
Loaves and Fishes is an ecumenical faith-based, nonprofit organization that has been serving Middle Georgia for over 50 years. The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly increased the demand for their services. This grant will support feeding more people and support staffing since the number of volunteers has decreased.
Macon Film Festival – $15,000
This grant will support the Macon Film Festival’s efforts to transition the annual festival to an online streaming format.
Macon Outreach – $15,000
This grant will support expenses directly related to the feeding program.
Motivating Youth Foundation, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will support operation and programming costs related to the reopening of the program.
Motivating Youth Foundation’s Adult Readiness Program – $15,000
This grant will go towards helping the underserved by having classes training young adults and getting them job ready.
The Mosaic Development, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will develop innovative programs to get people back to work and innovative and new ways to deliver the organization’s programming. More specifically, 13 unemployed individuals will be hired in a truncated workforce program.
United Way of Central Georgia – $10,259
This grant will support the purchase of 5,100 units of hand sanitizer to aid in distribution to the homeless and other vulnerable populations.
Campus Club – $10,000
This grant will support the purchase and distribution of PPE supplies for program staff that will aid in the reopening process. This grant will also support the development of take-home packets for students while the center is closed during the pandemic.
Family Advancement Ministries – $10,000
Family Advancement Ministries is a Catholic, diocesan, social service organization that, in partnership with the community at large, responds to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of families with the goal of moving families toward independence and self-sufficiency. This grant will support their increasing demand for services.
Family Counseling Center of Central Georgia- $10,000
The Family Counseling Center provides mental health services for the residents of Central Georgia. Prior to the crisis, the majority of the mental health services provided occurred through in-person individual and group interactions. Given the social distancing measures established, counseling has shifted to technology-based forms, which is difficult for both the clients and the therapists. This grant will support the implementation tele-mental health therapy and support, including staff training, software enhancements, and mental health counseling for those in need who cannot afford care.
First Choice Primary Care – $10,000
This grant will support prescription delivery services and purchase and deploy remote patient monitoring devices.
Friends of the Douglass Theatre Complex Inc. – $10,000
This grant will assist in the transition to a post-COVID-19 cultural institution. The assistance will underwrite efforts to create a robust, engaging, high-quality virtual presence to more appropriately serve the clientele.
Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia, Inc. – $10,000
This grant will purchase disposable masks for distribution to clients and employees and help offset the cost of employing a health-safety door manager.
Hayiya Dance Theatre, Inc. – $10,000
This grant will put artists back to work in an innovative and new way via interactive virtual dance and percussion classes. Students will be able to ask questions, receive both group and individual attention while learning a plethora of dance genres from local dance instructors experienced in teaching via Zoom.
Legacy Builders Foundation, Inc. – $10,000
This grant will be used to provide for Innovative Virtual Art, Music and Cultural Literacy Activities in partnership with the community and faith-based organizations impacted by COVID 19; and provide for the distribution of food more efficiently to children and families impacted by COVID 19 who are enrolled in the LBF Virtual Art, Music and Cultural Literacy Activities who need it the most through expanding our community and faith-based partnerships.
Macon Arts Alliance – $10,000
This grant will be used to supplement program expenses and implementation through staff compensation, contract fulfillment, insurance payments, rent, utilities, and more.
Macon Housing Moving To Success, Inc. – $10,000
This grant will support the prevention and/or better coping with isolation, depression and loneliness by promoting mental and physical health (mind, body, soul) for senior residents of Macon Housing Authority.
Macon Volunteer Clinic Inc. – $10,000
This grant will provide supplies and equipment to keep the clinic safe for patients, volunteers, and staff. Further, it will provide monitoring equipment for those patients with multiple chronic conditions that will allow MVC to treat and monitor routine visits and follow-ups through tele-medicine.
Museum of Arts and Sciences – $10,000
This grant will provide for equipment, contract filming, and production training to produce virtual museum programs during COVID-19 summer closure.
New Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church – $10,000
This grant will assist with utility bills, transportation to medical appointments, and providing meals.
Otis Redding Foundation – $10,000
This grant will be used to support the Otis Redding Center for Creative Arts lessons, including the scholarships, the Foundation awards, and lost income as a result of canceled or changed programs.
Real IMPACT Center, Inc. – $10,000
This grant will provide a 3-week virtual STEM Camp for rising 3rd-8th grade girls.
Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia – $10,000
The Rescue Mission helps rehabilitate those who have fallen on hard times in Middle Georgia. The Mission also distributes meals and hygiene kits and serves approximately 90 people dinner in its Daily Bread meal program. This grant will support the continued offering of downtown meals and additional expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Healing Experience Ministries – $10,000
This grant will provide assistance to families in paying rent and utility bills.
The Mentors Project – $10,000
To provide meals from July 10-August 10 when Bibb County School District is not serving meals.
The Mentors Project – $10,000
The Mentor’s Project provides role models for encouragement and motivation to eligible Bibb County Public Middle and High School students who need additional support outside their family, and to assist them in reaching their full academic, social, and personal potential. During this crisis, they have seen an additional need for feeding more people with few or no volunteers.
The Mosaic Development, Inc – $10,000
The Mosaic Development, Inc. provides the community with affordable construction and comprehensive property management services. In partnership with Central Georgia Technical College, they enroll participants in a personalized construction certification program and then hire graduates to work on one of their many development projects. This grant will support an eight-week pilot food distribution program in the Pleasant Hill neighborhood.
The Salvation Army of Greater Macon – $10,000
This grant will be used to help fund the shelter and maintain its day to day operations and to offset the increased cost for employee salaries, and security and sanitizing supplies.
Tubman African American Museum – $10,000
This grant will support operating expenses related to staffing the museum.
U Create Macon – $10,000
This grant will support operating expenses as they develop sustainable budgets and strategies.
United in Pink – $10,000
United in Pink, Inc. works to improve the quality of life for families in Central Georgia affected by breast cancer. This grant will support them in continuing ongoing services to clients in need during this difficult time, who must be extremely vigilant not to expose immune-compromised patients.
Central Georgia Technical College Foundation – $8,000
This grant will provide financial assistance for students.
Men About Change – 8,000
This grant will help provide meals to the parents/guardians of students in the program.
Choosing A Quality Life (CQIL) – $7,500
The Create Napier Heights Food Co-op program aims to eliminate food insecurity by providing education, services, and nutrition to the community.
Fuller Center for Housing of Macon, GA INC – $7,500
This grant will support the Greater Blessings project to complete home repairs and upkeep projects in Bibb or Peach County.
Macon Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc. – $7,500
This grant will support the hiring of an additional Construction Assistant for up to 30 hours a week for 6 months.
The 567 Center for Renewal – $7,500
This grant will support ongoing operating expenses.
Macon Volunteer Clinic – $7,250
This grant is to purchase equipment and enroll in a HIPPA compliant web-based platform to create a station at the Clinic for patients to connect with volunteer physicians who are working remotely.
Kingdom Life Church – $6,000
This grant will allow distribution of food through various access points to fight food insecurity and provide mental health crisis intervention counseling.
Appleton Episcopal Ministries – $5,000
This grant will support the development of the Appleton Free To Read Summer as an alternative free-of-charge program for summer students.
Bibb Mt. Zion Church – $5,000
This grant will support Bibb Mount Zion’s outreach program – The Good Samaritan Community Outreach Project – Expressing Care and Demonstrating Love in Times of Need. This program will seek to fill the gap for up to 75 families who do not qualify for public assistance and have been impacted by the current COVID-19 Pandemic.
Family Counseling Center of Central Georgia – $5,000
This grant will support the preparation of offices by purchasing hand sanitizing stations and supply therapists and staff with sanitizing wipes, disinfectant spray, and face masks.
Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia – $5,000
This grant will assist will support the increased costs of providing three meals per day for residents in addition to the meals provided to the homeless & hungry each day.
The Healing Experience Ministries – $5,000
This grant will be used to provide rent and utility assistance to families who are unemployed or underemployed due to the pandemic.
United Way of Central Georgia – $5,000
To purchase Chrome books and PPE for volunteers who are tutoring children through the Read United program
Jazz Association Musicians Relief Fund – $4,000
This grant will provide relief to local musicians who have been impacted by the pandemic.
The Urban CEO – $2,000
This is a third grant for the Black Business Support Fund to support one additional business.
Middle Georgia Youth Ballet – 1,500
This grant will support operational expenses related to holding ballet classes.
United Way of Central Georgia – $1,020
This grant will help rent four trucks for a pilot program that will partner churches with the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank to distribute food boxes to those in need and may be unable to travel to other food distribution sites.
Butts County
Second Chance Ministry, Inc – $10,000
This grant will support food pantry purchases and operations to provide immediate help of feeding struggling families and individuals.
Crawford County
Crawford County School District – $17,500
The Crawford County School District is the largest employer in the Crawford County community and serves 2,000 students enrolled in the district. This grant will support the purchase of mobile hot-spots to place on school buses that will be parked in strategic locations around the county. This grant enables the school district to offer Wi-Fi to 300 students and their families who do not currently have access to the internet.
Dodge County
Dodge Connection – Communities in Schools of Dodge County, Inc – $6,000
This grant will support the reopening of services by making sure that the organization meets compliance requirements.
Hancock County
Sparta Hancock Community Development Corporation – $15,000
This grant will expand the capability to deliver food and provide other transportation-related assistance to Hancock County residents that do not have transportation or financial resources necessary to visit the various food banks and other support locations.
Family Connection-Communities In Schools of Hancock County, Inc. – $7,500
This grant will support the local food pantry to provide for food disparity that has been identified in the community and obtain cleaning supplies, toilet paper, diapers, and wipes for families who have lost their jobs and to low-income families in Hancock County.
Houston County
Houston County Board of Education – $15,000
The Houston County School District consists of 38 campuses which serve approximately 30,200 students. This grant will provide access to the internet for a year to 935 families. This grant matches the Houston County Board of Education’s contribution for this project.
Houston County Habitat for Humanity – $15,000
This grant will support the creation of an Emergency Relief Program to assist Habitat for Humanity homeowners impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Middle Georgia Consortium, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will be utilized to assist with the out of pocket costs of tools, equipment, and/or uniforms required of participants in order to participate in their work experience, on-the-job training, and apprenticeship programs. In addition to this, these funds will also be utilized to assist with transportation barriers that would prevent the participant from get to and from their worksite/training.
Rehoboth Life Care Ministries, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will offset the costs of equipment and supplies needed to continue providing low- and no-cost dental care for uninsured adults living in Peach, Crawford, Taylor, and Houston counties.
Warner Robins Hispanic Foursquare Church – $15,000
This grant will support the distribution of food to families in need in Warner Robins, GA.
Christ Chapel Warner Robins – $10,000
This grant will support the increased demand for food for families in need.
Diligent Transportation – $10,000
Provide transportation needs to seniors and vulnerable individuals. Provide pick-up (food/pharmacy) services to senior citizens and medically unstable individuals.
Middle Georgia Community Action Agency – $10,000
This grant will provide fresh fruit, eggs, and breakfast meat to 125 home-bound senior clients who are isolated due to age, health, and COVID-19 pandemic.
Museum of Aviation Foundation – $10,000
This grant will bring teachers back on staff by the beginning of August and begin the process of planning and rescheduling education programs and fundraising events.
The Salvation Army of Warner Robins – $10,000
The grant will aid with the increased demand and support these services and assistance requests from those that are impacted by the pandemic.
The Salvation Army of Warner Robins – $10,000
This grant will support the increased demand for assistance in the areas of food, utility, and housing.
Houston County Council on Aging/Meals on Wheels – $9,500
This grant will support the increased demand for food.
Houston County Family Connection, Inc – $7,500
This grant will support families affected by COVID 19 financially by providing backpacks and school supplies for 2,300 youth in Houston County, GA.
Houston County Volunteer Medical Clinic – $7,500
This grant will be used to support and improve healthcare services.
Rebuilding Together Warner Robins – $5,000
This grant will provide support for operational expenses.
Jones County
Greater Jordan Chapel AME Church – $2,900
To purchase a modular building to allow them to expand their dry storage for their food pantry.
Boys & Girls Club of Baldwin and Jones Counties, Inc. – $15,000
This grant will be utilized to assist in the ability to provide innovative virtual ways to deliver the organization’s programming due to COVID-19. It will also be used to assist with the operating costs which will aid in needed assistance associated with the ability to open the Clubhouses back up to youth.
United Way of Central Georgia – $10,000
To purchase clear water bottles for local school systems (Jones and Baldwin) who have turned off their water fountains as a COVID precaution.
Lamar County
Boys Girls Clubs of North Central Georgia – $10,000
This grant will help the Barnesville-Lamar Boys & Girls Club continue to provide enrichment – STEM activities for children and families of Lamar County the technology & hardware, and programming – to make it possible.
Donavan’s Dream, Inc. – $10,000
This grant will support the increased distribution of food, purchase PPE for volunteers, and support operational expenses for the organization.
Lamar County Family Connection – $5,000
This grant will support the ongoing distribution of resources such as hygiene kits, staple pantry items, book bags, school supplies, and mental health resources in Lamar County,
Loving Hands Community Development – $5,000
This grant will be used to provide innovative and new ways to support youth, families, and our community as they deliver academic programming in after-school and summer programs.
Lamar County Health Department – $2,900
This grant is to purchase a temperature kiosk that will automatically take the temperature of patients entering the clinic without requiring a staff person to do so.
Putnam County
Georgia Writers Museum – $10,000
This grant will help cover monthly expenses previously funded from events/programs/classes canceled by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Plaza Arts Center, Inc – $10,000
This grant will support operating expenses.
City of Eatonton – $3,000
Provide assistance with bills, food, and more to 75 families.
Spalding County
The Salvation Army of Griffin, GA – $10,000
This grant will support the House of Hope Emergency Shelter in providing clean beds, food, personal care items, showers, and laundry for those in need.
Multiple Central Georgia Counties
The Urban CEO – $55,000
This grant will to provide support for the Central Georgia Black Business Fund, which will help black-owned businesses that have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
Macon Arts Alliance – $42,000
For the creation and implementation of the Creative Relief Fund which will support artists in our region that have lost work due to the shutdown.
Middle Georgia Community Food Bank – $40,000
Middle Georgia Community Food Bank supports a network of over 180 agencies in 24 counties in the Central Georgia Region and distributes thousands of pounds of food and grocery products each year. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, more than 140,000 people in our community were food insecure, including 37,5000 children, and that number is rising. This grant will support the purchase of food to respond to increased need and reduced donations during the COVID-19 crisis in Houston, Lamar and other counties, as well as, support the hiring of two additional Food Bank employees to aid with the increase in the demand for food. It will, also, support food pantry needs in Barnesville where food distribution needs have increased by nearly 300% and Warner Robins where donations to the food pantry have dropped by 75%.
NewTown Macon – $25,000
This grant will provide group and one-on-one training to ensure Central Georgia’s nonprofits and small businesses can access Federal benefits programs, financial tools, and sound planning to survive the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses and non-profits headquartered in Macon and Milledgeville, GA are eligible to participate. Organizations will participate in an introductory live webinar led by NewTown Macon staff that provides an overview of the programs available to assist organizations through this crisis, will then be placed in small groups for additional training. Individual coaching is also available after the other classes have been completed.
Meals On Wheels of Middle Georgia – $15,000
Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit service agency that has served the senior population in Bibb County since 1974 and works closely with the Area Agency on Aging to deliver services to the homebound elderly and disabled in Bibb, Crawford, Jones, and Monroe counties. The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly increased the demand for their services. This grant will support feeding more people and support staffing since the number of volunteers has decreased.
Middle Georgia Community Food Bank – $15,000
This grant will support the intense demand for food as a result of widespread unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
American Red Cross – $10,000
This grant will support the work to ensure that the Red Cross maintains sufficient supply of blood to help patients in need and to provide critical relief services to people affected by disasters.
Jay’s Hope – $10,000
The mission of Jay’s Hope is to improve the quality-of-life of children with cancer and their families in Georgia by extending HOPE through social, emotional, spiritual, educational and financial support. This grant will support the organization in continuing to provide ongoing services in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. They have seen an increase in need by families affected by cancer. These families must be extremely vigilant not to expose immune-compromised patients. Therefore, they cannot work or shop easily.
Public Service Campaign – $3,199
The grant is to produce a PSA campaign to raise awareness about safety precautions for COVID-19.
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Our donors can also contact Julia Wood and/or Darius Maynard to make a gift.